Retail banks wake up to digital

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Jed Tax Consulting is a premier independent tax consulting firm based in Singapore, specialising in Goods and Services Tax (GST).  Our dedicated team of accredited tax specialists have vast experience in both IRAS and Big 4 accounting firms.  We also partner with audit, accounting and law firms to provide tailored advice on their clients’ complex GST matters and in-house training.


Jed Tax Consulting is a premier independent tax consulting firm based in Singapore, specialising in Goods and Services Tax (GST). Our dedicated team of accredited tax specialists have vast experience in both IRAS and Big 4 accounting firms. We also partner with audit, accounting and law firms to provide tailored advice on their clients’ complex GST matters and in-house training.

It Is About You, Not Us

At JedTax, we aspire to simplify complicated tax issues so that non-tax practitioners can easily understand them.  We use our in-depth technical knowledge and insights to help you navigate the wide spectrum of complicated GST areas.

Abstract Double exposure of Business man touching an imaginary screen against white background

We are committed to delivering consistent business values by:

It Is About You, Not Us

At JedTax, we aspire to simplify complicated tax issues so that non-tax practitioners can easily understand them. We use our in-depth technical knowledge and insights to help you navigate the wide spectrum of complicated GST areas.

Abstract Double exposure of Business man touching an imaginary screen against white background

We are committed to delivering consistent business values by:

Our Collaboration with Accounting Firms

Ever-changing GST Regime

Many accountancy firms are struggling to satisfy the unprecedented demand for GST services, as clients try to navigate the ever-changing complexity and risks of the Singapore GST regime.

This difficulty is compounded by a recruitment crisis in the GST field, making it even more challenging to fully respond to this demand.


Consequently, strained client relationships may arise, jeopardising the profitable and recurring sources of revenue from audits and taxes.

Pain Points of Accounting Firms

Poaching of experienced       staff by other firms, often resulting in loss of clients and or other team members further reducing resources.


Lack of qualified advisors available in the recruitment market to join your team and meet existing client demand for GST services.

Jedtax offers the Solution

JedTax offers the solution to improve your GST capacity, efficiency and quality of advice.


More accountancy firms are turning to JedTax for a dedicated, expert, and white-labelled GST service.


This resource allows firms to flexibly meet existing client demand, expand their clientele and achieve a substantial return on investment.

The Future of GST

JedTax envisions a future where technology advancements and expert guidance streamline the GST landscape, eliminating the necessity for a dedicated in-house GST team.


This enables businesses to effortlessly navigate the ever-changing GST requirements and achieve compliance efficiency with qualified advisors.

Our Collaboration with Accounting Firms

Ever-changing GST Regime

Many accountancy firms are struggling to satisfy the unprecedented demand for GST services, as clients try to navigate the ever-changing complexity and risks of the Singapore GST regime. 

This difficulty is compounded by a recruitment crisis in the GST field, making it even more challenging to fully respond to this demand.   Consequently, strained client relationships may arise, jeopardising the profitable and recurring sources of revenue from audits and taxes.

Pain Points of Accounting Firms
  • Poaching of experienced staff by other firms, often  resulting in loss of clients and or other team members further reducing resources.

  • Lack of qualified advisors available in the recruitment market to join your team and meet existing client demand for GST services.

JedTax offers the Solution

JedTax offers the solution to improve your GST capacity, efficiency and quality of advice.  More accountancy firms are turning to JedTax for a dedicated, expert, and white-labelled GST service.  This resource allows firms to flexibly meet existing client demand, expand their clientele and achieve a substantial return on investment.

The Future of GST

JedTax envisions a future where technology advancements and expert guidance streamline the GST landscape, eliminating the necessity for a dedicated in-house GST team.  This enables businesses to effortlessly navigate the ever-changing GST requirements and achieve compliance efficiency with qualified advisors.

Being Direct About Indirect Taxes

Thinking outside the box to solve your business issues and helping you effectively navigate tax regulations to achieve efficiencies.

The green tick in our logo symbolises the results we deliver, compliant and always meeting your expectations …. that’s us, JedTax, your dedicated tax advisor and trusted business partner.

We are the preferred GST advisor for businesses, offering clear and straightforward guidance on indirect taxes, a forward-thinking approach to problem-solving, and expertise in navigating tax regulations to achieve greater efficiencies for your business.

Being Direct About Indirect Taxes

Thinking outside the box to solve your business issues and helping you effectively navigate tax regulations to achieve efficiencies.

The green tick in our logo symbolises the results we deliver, compliant and always meeting your expectations …. that’s us, JedTax, your dedicated tax advisor and trusted business partner.

We are the preferred GST advisor for businesses, offering clear and straightforward guidance on indirect taxes, a forward-thinking approach to problem-solving, and expertise in navigating tax regulations to achieve greater efficiencies for your business.

Our Purpose

At JedTax, our purpose is simplifying GST compliance for companies and accounting firms, allowing them to focus on their core business activities. Our provision of insightful and high-quality services instills confidence and trust, creating long-term value for businesses.

Our Values

Our values are built upon trust, integrity and transparency. We deliver innovative GST solutions tailored to your specific needs, enabling you to confidently concentrate on expanding your business.

Our Purpose

At JedTax, our purpose is simplifying GST compliance for companies and accounting firms, allowing them to focus on their core business activities. Our provision of insightful and high-quality services instills confidence and trust, creating long-term value for businesses.

Our Values

Our values are built upon trust, integrity and transparency. We deliver innovative GST solutions tailored to your specific needs, enabling you to confidently concentrate on expanding your business.

Retail banks wake up to digital

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Retail banks wake up to digital

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