In-house training:

Since the introduction of Sales Tax & Service Tax on 1 September 2018, there has been multiple amendments made to the underlying legislations, due to reasons such as expansion or deletion of taxable services under the Service Tax, self-charge on imported taxable service, exemptions, amendments to sales tax deductions, etc. Businesses are encouraged to keep updated with the changes in case it become liable to register or to ensure proper compliance to the various amendments introduced.

We provide training:

Seek confirmation from Customs on taxability of service

The list of taxable service has seen several amendments (expansion / deletion) since the inception of Service Tax on 1 September 2018 but clearer definition to certain taxable services has yet been made in the legislations, hence businesses may need to seek confirmation from Customs on the applicability of the legislation and registration liability.

We provide assistance in seeking such confirmation from the Customs authorities.

Health check review 

As the sales tax and service tax law evolves, we recommend that businesses conduct health checks on their processes and returns filed to identify changes that need be made in order to maintain efficiency and effectiveness in the filing of the returns and to ensure continued compliance. The customs is known to be strict in imposing penalties on offences.

Although there is no mandatory self-review or self-audit program in place, we suggest that businesses conduct reviews on a regular basis, as part of good governance ad compliance. With our vast experience in helping businesses set up their sales tax and service tax processes, we believe we would be able to offer practical suggestions and solutions to you along the review process whilst ensuring compliance.



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