[2ND RUN] GST Risks and Controls Series: How to Review Your GST Returns?
Thu, 19 November 2020
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
FEE (inclusive of GST)
$128 (for public); $88 (with promo code)
PayNow, Bank Transfer or Cheque
Due to popular demand, we are now having a second run of the webinar GST risks and controls series: How to review your GST returns?
Our experience has shown that if the GST return Reviewer knows how and what to look out for during the quarterly GST reporting, a substantial part of the GST errors can be detected before the filing of the GST returns.
Join us for the webinar where our tax director will share his “Cheat Sheet” of more than 50 detective controls that can be implemented during the review of the GST return.
Agenda for the webinar
- GST reporting risks as per IRAS Assisted Compliance Assurance Programme
- Detective controls at GST reporting
- Standard-rated supplies
- Zero-rated supplies
- Exempt supplies
- Taxable purchase and input tax
- Imports under Major Exporter Scheme (MES)
- Reverse Charge
Please refer to the feedback that have been provided by past participants:
At the end of the webinar, participants will have better knowledge of the detective controls that can be implemented during GST reporting and will receive a copy of the “Cheat Sheet” for their reference.